How Writing A Paragraph Every Day Helped Me Grow A Long, Beautiful Tooth

My tooth is long and beautiful.

r.j. kushner
2 min readApr 18, 2019
Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Think establishing a good writing routine doesn’t have a lasting impact on your life? Tell that to my long, beautiful tooth that is also powerful and helps me balance.

All it took was writing one paragraph every day.

Don’t believe me? I was like you once. A doubting Thomas with no tooth. Now I am a not-Doubting Thomas with an incredible tooth that I can control (most of the time). People love me now, though my dog will no longer look at me (he is jealous, and a fool).

It was no walk in the park getting to this point in my life, I’ll tell you that much. Writing a paragraph every day is harder than fighting in a battle (I assume). It will leave you writhing in agony and without the energy to ever do laundry again. There is perhaps no greater love than to lay down your life for a paragraph about yourself every day.

Still, it must be done in order to achieve the fulfillment of a long, beautiful tooth that is graceful and yet strong like an alligator (better).

It all starts with establishing a writing routine. It took me 20 years and three and a half marriages to find a routine that worked for me, and 10 more years after that to be able to write more than just “I’m Thinkin’ Arby’s” over and over and over. The dreaded blank page can be as white and cold as Wisconsin winters.

Still, I kept with it, and just look at me now — my wonderfully long tooth’s enamel is rich (other teeth not so great).

People see me and my tooth coming from miles away and they approach me. “What a magnificent tooth!” they say. I push them away, I do not know them.

My dentist is amazed by my tooth. “It really shouldn’t be that long,” he says. “It makes no sense.” He is a jealous man and I will not pay him.

But the real “tooth” of the matter and the “molar” of my story is that success in writing is indeed measurable — much like my long, pointy tooth.

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r.j. kushner

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